Stress and work

Stress - the dilemma of start up founders

Amongst the many stressful jobs, being a startup founder is certainly on the list. Even if they’re not facing problems of life and death as may be the case for a heart surgeon, a fireman or a soldier, a startup founder lives a life that is undoubtedly high in stress. It’s no secret that a startup journey is a marathon rather than a sprint, with the risk of being kicked out of the game at any time, no matter how well trained we are for the race.

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4 tips to prevent your work messages from driving you crazy

We spend much too much time writing emails, participating in group chats and answering instant messages. On average, office workers spend more than 5 hours a day reading, sorting and writing emails. That’s more than half their work time! And many people find the constant flow of work messages causes them constant anxiety.

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A culture that fosters PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY reduces unnecessary stress

When it comes to stress at work, there are two types of stress: “good” work-related stress that’s a natural part of the creative tension at play during work; and “bad” stress that comes from toxic management and a company culture that makes you feel unsafe.

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How to cope with remote working

As the coronavirus epidemic is gaining ground in many countries, it is also influencing the way we work. Some concerned managers have stopped traveling for meetings. Others are encouraging their people to stay at home and work remotely. Events and large gatherings are cancelled or turned into virtual gatherings or webinars. Remote work is likely to become ever more common. It comes with numerous advantages but it also presents some difficulties: in particular there are specific mental health issues linked to remote work and virtual communication.

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